Since 1979 the Kentucky Main Street Program has been the only preservation-based economic development organization dedicated to downtowns.
About our organization

Kentucky Main Street Association was formed to assist the Kentucky Main Street Program which is overseen by the Kentucky Heritage Council in Frankfort, KY and is accredited by the National Main Street Center.

Our mission is to lobby, advocate and support downtown communities that are committed to the standards of performance set forth by the National Main Street Center.

The Kentucky Main Street Program is a Main Street Americaâ„¢ Coordinating Program and is based on a Four-Point Approach developed by Main Street America's National Main Street Center

Pictured right: Jacob Roan, President; Caroline Reece, Vice President; Tony Pence, Treasurer

KYMSA Board of Directors

Jacob Roan - President
Main Street Pineville

Caroline Reece - Vice President
Maysville Main Street

Deana Wright 
 Murray Main Street

Minta Trimble
Pikeville Main Street 

Tony Pence
 Downtown Morehead Inc.

Sam Burgess
Carrollton Main Street

Randi Mouser-Secretary
Bardstown Main Street